PowerDNS 4.1.6

Uptime: 25.6 days
Queries/second, 1, 5, 10 minute averages: 22, 22, 23. Max queries/second: 192
Cache hitrate, 1, 5, 10 minute averages: 31.6%, 30.7%, 30.3%
Backend query cache hitrate, 1, 5, 10 minute averages: 72.7%, 73.1%, 73.2%
Backend query load, 1, 5, 10 minute averages: 19, 20, 20. Max queries/second: 244
Total queries: 45938351. Question/answer latency: 0.106ms


Log Messages

Query: SELECT content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,disabled,name,auth FROM records WHERE disabled=0 and type=? and name=?316731.7%
Query: SELECT content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,disabled,name,auth FROM records WHERE disabled=0 and name=? and domain_id=?2452.5%
Query: SELECT content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,disabled,name,auth FROM records WHERE disabled=0 and type=? and name=? and domain_id=?1361.4%
Query: select content from domains, domainmetadata where domainmetadata.domain_id=domains.id and name=? and domainmetadata.kind=?1031.0%
Query: select cryptokeys.id, flags, active, content from domains, cryptokeys where cryptokeys.domain_id=domains.id and name=?720.7%
Query: SELECT content,ttl,prio,type,domain_id,disabled,name,auth FROM records WHERE disabled=0 and name=?150.1%
Found no authoritative zone for gtelecom.com.au140.1%
Found no authoritative zone for ns1.gtelecom.com.au130.1%
Found no authoritative zone for staff.eveda.com.au100.1%
Found no authoritative zone for ns3.gtelecom.com.au100.1%
Found no authoritative zone for ns4.gtelecom.com.au90.1%
Found no authoritative zone for ns2.gtelecom.com.au80.1%
AXFR of domain 'staff.eveda.com.au' failed: not authoritative80.1%
Lookup for 'SOA' of 'staff.eveda.com.au' within zoneID -180.1%
Found no authoritative zone for unifi.gtelecom.com.au80.1%
Found no authoritative zone for bunburybc.wa.edu.au70.1%
Found no authoritative zone for uisp.gtelecom.com.au70.1%
Found no authoritative zone for 190.107.118.in-addr.arpa70.1%
Found no authoritative zone for www.gtelecom.com.au70.1%
Lookup for 'SOA' of 'gtelecom.com.au' within zoneID -170.1%
Found no authoritative zone for eveda.com.au70.1%
Found no authoritative zone for blog.gtelecom.com.au60.1%
Found no authoritative zone for sheridan.edu.au60.1%
Found no authoritative zone for 3.ubnt.pool.ntp.org60.1%
Lookup for 'SOA' of '3.ubnt.pool.ntp.org' within zoneID -160.1%
Found no authoritative zone for
Found no authoritative zone for BetaServer.HEALTHE.CO60.1%
Found no authoritative zone for www.eveda.com.au60.1%
Found no authoritative zone for my.abe.edu.au60.1%
Found no authoritative zone for
Found no authoritative zone for
Lookup for 'SOA' of 'goguardian.com' within zoneID -150.1%
Found no authoritative zone for acbc.wa.edu.au50.1%
Found no authoritative zone for 1.ubnt.pool.ntp.org50.1%
Found no authoritative zone for abe.edu.au50.1%
Lookup for 'ANY' of 'gtelecom.com.au' within zoneID 10050.1%
Found no authoritative zone for abbc.wa.edu.au50.1%
Found no authoritative zone for ubnt.pool.ntp.org50.1%
Lookup for 'ANY' of 'ns1.gtelecom.com.au' within zoneID 10050.1%
Lookup for 'SOA' of 'ubnt.pool.ntp.org' within zoneID -150.1%
Lookup for 'ANY' of 'ns4.gtelecom.com.au' within zoneID 10050.1%
Lookup for 'SOA' of '190.107.118.in-addr.arpa' within zoneID -150.1%
Found no authoritative zone for 7.0.1.in-addr.arpa50.1%
Found no authoritative zone for goguardian.com50.1%
Lookup for 'SOA' of '1.ubnt.pool.ntp.org' within zoneID -150.1%
Lookup for 'ANY' of 'uisp.gtelecom.com.au' within zoneID 10050.1%
Found no authoritative zone for
Found no authoritative zone for bag.itunes.apple.com40.0%
Lookup for 'SOA' of 'aiv-delivery.net' within zoneID -140.0%
Found no authoritative zone for
Lookup for 'SOA' of 'api.us-west-2.aiv-delivery.net' within zoneID -140.0%
Found no authoritative zone for api.us-west-2.aiv-delivery.net40.0%
Found no authoritative zone for www.acbc.wa.edu.au40.0%
Found no authoritative zone for us-west-2.aiv-delivery.net40.0%
Lookup for 'SOA' of 'bag.itunes.apple.com' within zoneID -140.0%
Lookup for 'SOA' of 'bunburybc.wa.edu.au' within zoneID -140.0%
Found no authoritative zone for aiv-delivery.net40.0%
Lookup for 'SOA' of 'facebook.com' within zoneID -140.0%
Lookup for 'SOA' of 'ytimg.com' within zoneID -140.0%
Lookup for 'SOA' of 'us-west-2.aiv-delivery.net' within zoneID -140.0%
Found no authoritative zone for
Found no authoritative zone for myestates.com.au40.0%
Found no authoritative zone for 2.ubnt.pool.ntp.org40.0%
Lookup for 'ANY' of 'unifi.gtelecom.com.au' within zoneID 10040.0%
Lookup for 'SOA' of 'org' within zoneID -140.0%
Found no authoritative zone for org40.0%
Lookup for 'SOA' of '2.ubnt.pool.ntp.org' within zoneID -140.0%
Lookup for 'ANY' of 'ns3.gtelecom.com.au' within zoneID 10040.0%
Found no authoritative zone for log-ingestion-ap2.samsungacr.com40.0%
Lookup for 'ANY' of 'ns2.gtelecom.com.au' within zoneID 10040.0%
Lookup for 'SOA' of 'log-ingestion-ap2.samsungacr.com' within zoneID -140.0%
Lookup for 'SOA' of 'inquisition.goguardian.com' within zoneID -140.0%
Found no authoritative zone for inquisition.goguardian.com40.0%
HTTP ISE for "/": STL Exception: stoi40.0%
Found no authoritative zone for ytimg.com40.0%
Found no authoritative zone for facebook.com40.0%
Found no authoritative zone for epicgames.com30.0%
Found no authoritative zone for fe2.apple-dns.net30.0%
Found no authoritative zone for ertelecom.ru.gtelecom.com.au30.0%
Found no authoritative zone for casalemedia.com30.0%
Found no authoritative zone for fw.adsafeprotected.com30.0%
Found no authoritative zone for events.data.microsoft.com30.0%
Found no authoritative zone for emma.dyncam.com30.0%
Found no authoritative zone for kd.ny.adsl.gtelecom.com.au30.0%
Found no authoritative zone for msftconnecttest.com30.0%
Found no authoritative zone for ms30.0%
Found no authoritative zone for meeting.bunburybc.wa.edu.au30.0%
Found no authoritative zone for meet.google.com30.0%
Found no authoritative zone for mask.apple-dns.net30.0%
Found no authoritative zone for mail1.pws.wa.edu.au30.0%
Found no authoritative zone for mail.staff.gtelecom.com.au30.0%
Found no authoritative zone for mail.sheridan.edu.au30.0%
Found no authoritative zone for mail.google.com30.0%
Found no authoritative zone for ls.apple.com30.0%
Found no authoritative zone for libraryadmin.abbc.wa.edu.au30.0%
Found no authoritative zone for liadm.com30.0%
Found no authoritative zone for lb._dns-sd._udp.
Found no authoritative zone for g.aaplimg.com30.0%
Found no authoritative zone for in.eveda.com.au30.0%
Found no authoritative zone for in.appcenter.ms30.0%